The PVR-0550SM uses a proprietary technology that provides a very low drift and low noise +5.000 Volts precision Voltage Reference thatreference. It can operates from a minimum of 5.5 Volts up to a maximum of 16 volts input voltages. This reference is one in a family of precision voltage references from DATEL that ranges from 1.25 to 5.0 output volts and has a very low voltage drift coefficient of 5PPM/°C maximum over temperature.
This low TC drift along with the precision initial accuracy of 1.0mV max makes the PVR-0550SM the reference of choice for precision data acquisition applications. DATEL offers this converter in a small low cost plastic 8-pin SOIC fully tested over the operating temperature of -55°C to +125°C with ATE results recorded and stored.
The PVR-0550SM is a low cost enhanced Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) devices and is the best choice for Ruggedized, Military, Avionics, Aerospace and Medical applications that does not require Hermetic or full MIL-Standard 883 products.
Product part number ending in suffix 883 meets Mil-STD-883 DLA qualification.